
Showing posts from May, 2024

A triangle love story of a weighing balance

 A triangle love story is not always a love story and happiness (It is not only with boy vs girl; it is with different relationships in a family or friends). It's a set of mixed emotions, quarrels, fights, misunderstanding, judging each other, ego, ups and downs, and other emotions.  The weighing balance holds the two equal weights and tries to provide equal importance; sometimes, the priority goes to one side on a day and sometimes to the other side on a day. But the priority is equal. The only role of weighing balance is keeping things in equal proportions and giving them equal importance to their weights. However, neither weight group cared about weighing balance. Every day, the weighing balance works at its best effort, but the weights judge, misunderstand or humiliate it. The weighing balance was clueless, and many times, it was sidelined by the weights. Weights usually say you are mainly prioritizing the other weights, and you won't ask, or you need the courage to ask a ...