The dark side of the forest (All life matters)
Elephants and Frontline staffs. For those who think working in the forest gives pleasure. But that's not true. For a tourist, it's easy to come and go (enjoy) the protected areas for some days. But these frontline forest department staffs are the real ground workers and are solely responsible for safeguarding Indian reserves. They are the people who work for almost #24 hours a day. They are strong enough to face wild animals and prevent wild animals near agricultural lands. The department works, manages, accompanies researchers, guards guests, tourists, night rounds, poachers, petty politics, etc. Many policies can be easily written on paper and passed out the order. But the implementation should be done by these frontline staff. If the Indian army parade gives 'emotions' and 'goosebumps,' you should also be proud of these forest department staff, who risk their lives daily to protect nature's wealth. The wealth of the country doesn't depend on the p...